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DAMA Wheel

Data Management Foundation for Practitioners (CDMP Prep)

“A practical workshop that will provide you with a thorough overview of DAMA DMBOK and prepare you for the CDMP Fundamentals Exam”

Have you struggled to work through the DAMA DMBoK V2?


Workshop Overview

DAMA DMBoK V2 consists of almost 600 pages packed full of Data related facts. Our Data Management Fundamentals Workshop covers all Knowledge areas of DAMA DMBoK V2, in a way that ensures the attendees understand the content of the material and the relationships between the Knowledge Areas.

This workshop provides a bird’s eye view of the Book in a way that makes the material easier to understand. The instructor, is enthusiastic and passionate about all aspects of Data Management, an experienced professional certified in both CDMP Data Management Fundamentals & as a DQ Specialist Practitioner.

This Workshop will cover the following topics:

  • Guide you to navigate the DMBoK so that you can study more effectively
  • Assist you to learn the contents of the DMBoK
  • Enable you to:
    • Understand the bigger picture of Data Management
    • Understand how the different aspects of the ‘wheel’ relate to each other
    • Prepare you to pass the DAMA CDMP Fundamentals exam
  • All Knowledge Areas of the DAMA DMBoK wheel and
    • Data Handling Ethics
    • Big Data and Data Science
    • Data Management Maturity Assessment
    • Data Management and Organisational Change Management
  • Encourage you to dig deeper, explore, research, and grow your Data Management skills
Your Trainer


4 days

Course dates

27 - 30 November

Learning Outcomes

  • After attending this workshop, delegates will:
    • Have a good understanding of all Knowledge Areas covered in DAMA DMBoK V2
    • Be able to easily navigate the DMBoK
    • Be prepared to write the DAMA CDMP Fundamentals Exam

* A certificate of attendance will be provided at the end of the workshop

Intended Participants

This workshop is aimed at Data Management Professionals eager to grow and formalise their Data Management career.


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